Sunday 20 March 2011

My first holiday in Scotland

Well this is novel - a very long drive but now that I have my own car that's not a problem - I even jump into it without being asked.

Mind you, these walks are making me knackered - I know I like them but twice a day and a long one in the middle - not sure if my legs can cope.  Lots of different smells though and I have a spanking new harness attached to my lead so I can lift up my head and look all around me.  People often comment on my ears but they are not that bad are they?

Anyway, yawn, this is what I do most days and I am already drifting off to one of my favourite pastimes, sleeping....Goodnight!ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Sunday 6 March 2011

My New Home

Well I moved to Leicester on 6 March to my new home.

For those who don't know me, I was rescued from Spain, Lanzarote actually where I lived on a roof and I would like to thank Nick and Lesley for making my rescue possible to the UK via Germany and a big thanks to SARA for taking me in.  I came with my own passport, microchip, vaccinations etc and I think I have adapted quite well.  I am a bit wary of other dogs though as I do walk an awful lot these days and they are bloody everywhere.  In fact I find it quite challenging much to the dismay of my new owners.  I am also quite partial to people who jog past and cycle by on the nearby Meadows where I walk regularly.  I am game for anything really that adds to my new experiences and more recently have developed a penchant for cars - yes cars, trying to chase them!

I have to say I didn't expect 5 cats and 2 rabbits but no other dogs either as I did live with half a dozen or so others at my foster home in Long Clawson.  Most of the cats are OK apart from one, Oscar, who went for me on day one.  What can I say,  I know I have short legs but really the humiliation still hurts!  Our paths rarely cross but the others are a soft touch really, winding round me at every opportunity but Oscar remains a challenge, especially when I chase him in the garden but lately he is standing his ground so one cool cat and I have learned not to chase him.  That's him in the photo: